The MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Access Forum was established in May 2014 with the aim of protecting, managing and sustainably developing the MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Range.
A MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Path
The forum consists of:
- Local Elected Landowners (7),
- Elected Community representatives (3),
- Elected Local Guides representative (1),
- Elected Small Business representative (1),
- Elected Recreational Users (2),
- South Kerry Development Partnership’s Rural Recreation Officer (1),
- Department of Community and Rural Development (Rural Recreation Section) (1),
- National Parks & Wildlife Service representative (1),
- Kerry County Councilor (1),
- Kerry County Council representative (1),
- Fáilte Ireland representative (1).
The Forum is chaired by local businessman, Stewart Stephens.
Halting and reversing the obvious and worsening path erosion on the Reeks is a priority action for the Forum.