Gold Winner 2022

The MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Access Project celebrated success at the Dromhall Hotel Killarney by winning a Gold Award at The Kerry Community Awards 2022. 

The Kerry community awards recognises the work of the local community and volunteer sector across Kerry that seek to improve the Social, Economic, Cultural and Environmental Quality of life in our local communities both Urban and Rural. The awards have had a 2 year Hiatus due to COVID but were back in style on Thursday the 22nd of September in the Dromhall Killarney. The Forum was amongst 9 other groups to win the Prestigious Gold Award with the top Award of the Night going to The Tralee International Resource Centre. 

The award is a fantastic recognition of all the hard work and dedication that has gone into the MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Access Project over the Last 8 Years and all the work the forum has accomplished in improving and maintaining access to Ireland Highest Mountain Range. We would like to thank Kerry County Council, the Kerry Public Participation Network and all the Generous sponsors of the Kerry Community Award for this wonderful recognition of the forum and our work, and most importantly a huge thank you to all our Forum members and landowners who make this all possible. 

South Kerry Development Partnership
Department of Rural and Community Development
Kerry CoCo
Fáilte Ireland
Leave no Trace